Basic List Building Strategies
Why is list building vital to any business? It is because through list building you identify those people who have raised their hands and said “I’m interested”. By providing a document, article, video, or checklist, you have attracted a prospect who traded their contact information (email and/or address) for your information. Keeping track of the customers you have attracted is important. Adding to that list of prospects is basic list building.
It’s essential to keep in mind that not only attracting customers is vital, but your ability to retain customers is also a crucial part of your list-building strategies. Research shows that it costs five times more to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one. Keeping your customers is a long-term solution for increasing your growth and revenue. It’s best to keep that in your focus as you implement basic list-building strategies as it’s not a simple task.
Basic List Building Set-Up
You don’t want to go all out on one or two list-building strategies before you take care of the basics. Below are the basics that you need to make sure you have already taken care of, installed, or set up:
- A professional autoresponder subscription
- Landing page and opt-in box
- Website pop-up opt-in
- Your sign-up incentive
- Your signature
- Author bio/resource box
- A basic email series for those who sign up
- Your Facebook Page signup tab
- Your Twitter pinned post
Let’s go through them to see what they consist of.
Professional Autoresponder Subscription
Sign up with a reliable, fully-featured autoresponder such as Get Response. Whatever service you choose, make sure your service has professional features such as templates and web forms you can customize—as well as the ability to:
- Import lists
- Split lists into segments
- Provide you with as-your-list-grows pricing options
When it comes to maximizing your list, don’t fool around. Get the best autoresponder for your needs.
Your Landing Page and Opt-in Box
Many people make the mistake of putting their web form for sign-up on their Home Page or in the sidebar of their WordPress site.
Sure, it’s good to have a sign-up in your sidebar for those who drop in by accident—but for everyone else, make sure you have a separate, dedicated, focused landing page.
Ideally, you should have a separate landing page. If you have to use your Home page as your landing page, make sure it looks and behaves like a landing page!
Your Website Pop-Up Opt-in
To have an effective sign-up on a landing page, use a pop-up that offers an immediate, irresistible incentive. This is a good example of how to get an immediate sign-up BEFORE someone even visits the page they want to see.
This pop-up offers visitors an irresistible, valuable gift that gives them a sneak peek into the type of content your site produces.
A short-cut to basic list building?
This shortlist is only a few of the steps you need to consider and navigate to get your list-building process in place. You can gather these tasks on your own and hope you’re not missing something important. Or you can short-cut that process and skip ahead.
So, If you are tired of trying to figure out how to build not just a subscriber list, but a highly targeted list of your ideal client and customer, then you will love what I have to share with you.
This is the perfect product, built for your success, to help you with that! It is a Profit Planner called “How to Get More Subscribers“. Everything you need to know and do for building your subscriber list is covered in easy-to-follow detail. Right now, you can get this complete system for free!
What’s covered in this training?
- One problem. How to Get More Subscribers
- One promise.
- One solution. What you need to know and do to build your subscriber list.
- What’s YOUR best marketing mix?
Click here to get the full system, including:
- TextBook
- Workbook
- Checklist
- Tools and Resources Guide
- Idea Generator
- Keywords
- Infographic with key points
I can’t wait to hear your results when you use them.
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