Blogging Tools and Resources
There are numerous ways to generate revenue by blogging. You can bring in money with AdSense, sell space directly, sell eBooks, and numerous other choices. One commonly overlooked revenue stream is from blog resources and blogging tools pages.
After you start a blog and build up some subscribers or followers, they will not only want the useful content that you offer, they’ll also want to know which resources and tools you use. Readers appreciate your honest opinion and your experiences with various tools. It goes a long way to creating more trust with readers AND more money.
If you have an active blog, a significant number of your followers or subscribers want to know how to start and run a blog like yours.
What better way than having a resources and tools page?
Without a resource and tools page, you leave your followers on their own to experiment with tools for their businesses.
Setting Up a Resource and Tool Page
With the importance of a resource page clear in your mind, it’s time to ask yourself how you can make the best resource and tools page. To do this, you’ll need to ask yourself some questions.
1) What does my ideal visitor need right now?
Using resources and tools pages is a great way to teach readers how to start a blog to make money.
You need to understand your target audience first though.
If your blog is about web design, your ideal visitors are people interested in web design. They could be fellow web designers, individuals looking for web design services, and so on. Profiling your ideal visitors is the first step.
That’s called an “avatar”.
2) What is the problem my ideal visitor needs to be solved today?
Visitors of a web design blog (for example) need information about the niches, tools for web design, web design services, and more.
There are many tools and resources that you can provide such visitors to help solve those problems. This can range from simple graphics tools to templates you use on your own site. Modify the tools for your own niche focusing on the primary tools everyone needs.
3) What resource or tool did you discover that changed everything for you?
If you want to offer unique game-changing tools in your resource pages, highlight the go-to tool that changed everything for you. Your readers love this.
Continuing with our example of web designers, that might be special software that helps you to design unique websites fast. It’s the one you can’t live without.
You should include such software on your resources page and include an affiliate link to earn a commission every time a follower clicks and buys the software from your blog.
4) What resource moved you forward?
Every blog has a turning point. If your blog grew because you were providing great content consistently, did you use an article writing service? Add it to your resource page.
Given that content is king when blogging, your subscribers want to know how you create your content. In your niche, you probably have a tool that saved you days of work or made you an incredible amount of money. Be sure to highlight the benefits of that tool specifically.
Social media is a huge resource to figure out exactly what your community needs in the way of time and money-saving tools.
Do not promote or recommend anything you haven’t used or tried before for the sake of your reputation. You risk losing your following if you betray your follower’s trust and promote dubious products or services.
It’s difficult to make money blogging when you don’t offer real value consistently over time.
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