Daily List Building

daily list building

daily list building

Building a list of quality subscribers that will actually buy from you is vital for growing your business and making more money. In order to do this, it requires time, work, and a plan. The best way to continuously grow your list is to work on it daily.  Daily list-building is crucial for your online success.

Daily List-building Activities

Realize that you will need to make list building a DAILY priority if you want to see it grow.

List building is a daily PROCESS and not something that you just do one time.  However, there are some tasks that you need to only do once, like creating a Pinned Tweet that includes a call to action in it.

Start each day off by asking yourself, “What will I do to grow my list today?”

Write down a list of actions that you could take:

  • Posting a Facebook Live video
  • Change your Pinned Tweet
  • Write a new broadcast email (one not connected to a series)
  • Update your profile photo on all platforms
  • Write an article
  • Create a Survey (Typeform offers free survey creating tools)
  • Write a new email series
  • Write an email mini-course for your subscribers
  • Creating and sharing a landing page for your new mini-course

You don’t have to dedicate the bulk of your day to list building.  Whether it’s a five-minute task or maybe an afternoon, spend some time each day focusing on expanding your list.  This also enables you to stay connected on a regular basis with your subscribers.  Set aside time each day in your schedule for daily list-building that allows you to build trust and nurture your people.

Share UP

Don’t forget it’s important to share UP as well as down.  This means, follow influencers and share their posts.  Answer their questions and participate in their surveys.  Build your relationship there as well so they can get to know you.  They’ll be more receptive later if you ask one to do an interview with you or be your Joint Venture partner.

Start getting into the habit of looking for news and resources for your people, training your radar to always have an ear on their needs, problems, and wishes.

Share Yourself

Don’t forget it’s important to share UP as well as down.  This means, follow influencers and share their posts.  Answer their questions and participate in their surveys.  Build your relationship there as well so they can get to know you.  They’ll be more receptive later if you ask one to do an interview with you or be your Joint Venture partner.

Start getting into the habit of looking for news and resources for your people, training your radar to always have an ear on their needs, problems, and wishes.

I have the perfect product to help you with that! It is a Profit Planner called “How to Build Your Subscriber List Now”. Everything you need to know and do to build your list is covered in easy-to-follow detail. Right now, you can get this complete system for free!

How to Get More Subscribers


What’s covered in this training?

  • One problem. One promise. One solution. 
  • Built for success!
  • What’s YOUR best marketing mix? 

Click here to get the full system:

  • TextBook
  • Workbook 
  • Checklist 
  • Tools and Resources Guide
  • Idea Generator
  • Keywords
  • Infographic with key points

I can’t wait to hear your results when you use them.


<<<<<<Click here>>>>> before it’s put in the vault.

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Ed Pudlo

My goal is to share what I’ve learned and help others to move quickly toward success on the internet. Avoiding the landmines and focused time spent learning means you can spend your time and money wisely and have more fun along the way. I can do this by matching your interests with knowledgeable and reputable providers to move you swiftly toward your goals.